مشغل الملتيميديا الأكثر من رائع GOM Media Player فى الإصدار النهائي
GOM Media Player
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برنامج GOM Player مشغل فيديو بشكل اولاً مشغل فيديو رائع يقوم بتشغيل العديد من ملفات الفيديو الموجوده على جهازك سوء فيديو عادي او فيديو مضغوط AVI, DAT, MPEG, DivX, XviD وداعم ايضاً لملفات كوداك codec وغيرها كما يمكنة ان يشغل الفيديو المنزلى من النت والملفات المكسورة اثناء التحميل من النت وهنا بعض المميزات للبرنامج يدعم برنامجنا هذا اغلب الكوداك condecs مثلAVI, DAT, MPEG, DivX, XviD وغيرها العديد فمعا برنامج GOM Player ستشاهد اشياء لم تشاهدها مع البرامج الاخرى من قبل على الإطلاق فيدعم البرنامج دعم مطلق لسيرفرات HTTP ليشغل منها ملفات الصوت والفيديو الاخرى مثل ASF/OGG/MP3/AAC/MPEG PS/MPEG
A major update to GOM Media Player was released on August 29, 2013.
This update (version includes many significant changes:
User Interface / General Features
1. A new default GOM Player 2.2 Skin has been applied.
* The skin will only be applied by default if you are doing a clean install of the software. If you overwrite your current installation, the skin you are currently using will be maintained.
2. Volume can now be boosted to 200%.
* When increasing the volume, the slider will momentarily stop at 100%.
* The volume slider will be in the middle of the volume scroll bar when volume is set at 100%
* The volume slider will be displayed as orange for 1% ~ 100% and as red for 101% ~ 200%
* This is a volume boost feature, so audio may be distorted at 200% when playing some files.
* A feature has been added to the player's audio preferences that allows you to cap the volume setting at 100%. This feature is OFF by default
3. UI Transparency Slider added, allowing you to adjust the opacity/transparency of the GOM Player User Interface
4. Bookmark Feature Improved
* A bookmark manager window has been added
* A feature that will show bookmarks on the seek bar has been added
* Ability to delete individual bookmarks from within the Player UI has been added.
* Ability to jump to next/previous bookmark has been added
5. When using Windows 8, it is now possible to open the Windows Control Panel "Default Programs" window for GOM Player from the Player Preferences window (Preferences -> Others -> File Types)
6. A small playback status icon will now appear over the GOM Player icon on the taskbar.
7. When changing the window size a message reflecting the change will now be displayed.
متوافق مع جميع أنظمة التشغيل
البرنامج مجانى
الحجم : 12 ميجا
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GOM Media Player

برنامج GOM Player مشغل فيديو بشكل اولاً مشغل فيديو رائع يقوم بتشغيل العديد من ملفات الفيديو الموجوده على جهازك سوء فيديو عادي او فيديو مضغوط AVI, DAT, MPEG, DivX, XviD وداعم ايضاً لملفات كوداك codec وغيرها كما يمكنة ان يشغل الفيديو المنزلى من النت والملفات المكسورة اثناء التحميل من النت وهنا بعض المميزات للبرنامج يدعم برنامجنا هذا اغلب الكوداك condecs مثلAVI, DAT, MPEG, DivX, XviD وغيرها العديد فمعا برنامج GOM Player ستشاهد اشياء لم تشاهدها مع البرامج الاخرى من قبل على الإطلاق فيدعم البرنامج دعم مطلق لسيرفرات HTTP ليشغل منها ملفات الصوت والفيديو الاخرى مثل ASF/OGG/MP3/AAC/MPEG PS/MPEG
A major update to GOM Media Player was released on August 29, 2013.
This update (version includes many significant changes:
User Interface / General Features
1. A new default GOM Player 2.2 Skin has been applied.
* The skin will only be applied by default if you are doing a clean install of the software. If you overwrite your current installation, the skin you are currently using will be maintained.
2. Volume can now be boosted to 200%.
* When increasing the volume, the slider will momentarily stop at 100%.
* The volume slider will be in the middle of the volume scroll bar when volume is set at 100%
* The volume slider will be displayed as orange for 1% ~ 100% and as red for 101% ~ 200%
* This is a volume boost feature, so audio may be distorted at 200% when playing some files.
* A feature has been added to the player's audio preferences that allows you to cap the volume setting at 100%. This feature is OFF by default
3. UI Transparency Slider added, allowing you to adjust the opacity/transparency of the GOM Player User Interface
4. Bookmark Feature Improved
* A bookmark manager window has been added
* A feature that will show bookmarks on the seek bar has been added
* Ability to delete individual bookmarks from within the Player UI has been added.
* Ability to jump to next/previous bookmark has been added
5. When using Windows 8, it is now possible to open the Windows Control Panel "Default Programs" window for GOM Player from the Player Preferences window (Preferences -> Others -> File Types)
6. A small playback status icon will now appear over the GOM Player icon on the taskbar.
7. When changing the window size a message reflecting the change will now be displayed.
متوافق مع جميع أنظمة التشغيل
البرنامج مجانى
الحجم : 12 ميجا
تاريخ الاصدار
شرح تثبيت وتشغيل البرنامج
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كلمة شكر تكفي ^^
أراضي ,فلل
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أعمال ,اسواق ستي
layg hglgjdld]dh hgH;ev lk vhzu GOM Media Player 2>2>53>5169 tn hgYw]hv hgkihzd